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Fire District 15 owns and operates an
EMS transport service which provides emergency care around the clock
24 hours a day/7 days a week.

We currently run an average of 530 EMS calls per year with 4 paid EMS positions and an EMS Director.

As a rural agency, we are also supplemented by a dedicated group of trained volunteer responders. These volunteers receive training in areas such as

* Trauma Care * Medical Emergencies *   

* Medications * OB/GYN *

As well as completing on-going education to maintain their Washington State certifications.

Currently the district has two levels of EMS providers; EMT-Basic and Advanced EMT.

If you are interested in joining our team, please click here for more information.

EMS Volunteers

Jason Allen - EMR

Shelley Brown - AEMT

Caroline Cooper - AEMT

Hunter Cooper - EMR

Dr. Josh Corsa - EMT-P, MD

Genea Flynn - EMT-B

Kerry Heen - EMT-B 

Marke Mattson - EMT-B

Brad Scharnickel - Paramedic

Kristina Scheller - Martinez - AEMT

Nolan Tonseth - EMT-B

Carlos Tornez - EMT-B


Sabrina Velasco - AEMT

Kevin Vallance - EMT-B

Community Training

No Community Training Course Scheduled at this time 


For more information or to schedule a class, contact EMS Director Tonya Vallance at 509-689-4041 

EMS Training

EMT Class: 

None Scheduled At This Time

EMS ongoing training:

Third Wednesday of every month, EMS station; 6 p.m.


Contact Us

EMS Station: 509-689-4041

Fire Administration: 509-689-0216

412 W. Indian Ave Brewster, WA 98812

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